Virtual Squat

2019, video

What is Reality? It doesn’t seem the best question to put on the table if you’re looking for a house to live in. But peeking into the metaphysical field can even be a good strategy to find useful toolboxes for survival, and to discover how different worlds interact with each other: not being an ordered stack, but rather an intertwined mishmash.

The infrastructures of law, bureaucracy and material city landscapes shape a jungle through which every one of us has to navigate. But we don’t need to stick to a singular layer in order to go on: indeed, every action – or reaction – relates to a patchwork of different planes working and conflicting with each other. A picture on Twitter is not entirely disconnected from European laws. An empty space surrounded by stark walls of bricks is related to communities’ desires and abstract contracts. Knowing that, a group of artists and activists tried to occupy a large building, but since they couldn’t find the way to enter physically in the space, they switched the direction of their efforts towards another, less obvious, domain of forces. Virtual squat is the true, perhaps even educational, story of this attempt.